Sunday, December 27, 2009


Family? What is family?

For me family are people who accept
us for our quirks and love us anyways.
People who despite our differences,
enjoy spending time around us.

Families are people who are intentionally
involved in our lives even when it is not
easy or convenient for them necessarily.

In my case these attributes are exhibited
most genuinely in my friends who have
become our family and I am eternally
grateful and humbled by this.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Spirit

I wonder what is Christmas Spirit
and how do I get this Christmas

I imagine it to be feeling rested,
calm, joyous, generous, loving
and kind.

I have not felt rested since I
was twelve, seriously... I
remember it explicitly I
woke up and felt like I could
tackle the day!

This WAS 19 years ago,
The closest I come now is not
having a bunch of things scheduled
and having what we call PJ days.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The spirit of Christmas

Okay, so I'm just not feeling the spirit of Christmas.

I don't have the time to rest and rejuvinate let alone
get into the spirit of anything.

That just feels like one more thing to do.

I'm TIRED of doing something, I feel like my
life is one long series of something else I have
to do.

Even in saying that I feel selfish, I know there
are worst things out there

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Feeling Selfish

Sometimes-I admit it-I am a selfish person.
Each and every time my selfishness rears
its ugly head I am surprised.

Why? I don't really know, I guess I thought
that at some point in life I would stop being
selfish. Well so far that has not happened.

I am human and fallible, I want what I want and
I want it NOW.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I feel overwhelmed by the amount of advertisement
that is trying to get me to buy buy buy.

It is couched in warm and friendly ways such as
buy this for your friends, family, coworkers, or
because you deserve this. I do feel the tug of it,
if I love, or care about my friends and family
I will buy this for them or get them something
they deserve.

I don't believe that love is shown by what
I get some one. If this was the case I would
be several hundreds of thousands of dollars
in debt "showing" my friends and family how
much I care and love them.

I believe love and caring is shown by being
present with friends and family when they
are going through their day-to-day struggles.
It is important to be present with friends and
family in the mundane doldrum of the days
and trying to love on them no matter what.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I am grateful that my husband is different then me.

I am an anxious person, this is something
that in and of itself incites anxiety in me.
That is the general nature of anxiety, the fact
that you feel anxious is in and of itself anxiety
provoking. It can be a viscous cycle if you let
it over take you. I mean that literally, at a
certain point it feels like you have no control
over the anxiety, that it just comes in waves
paralyzing its recipient.

IF I LET it overtake me it will is the main
point of this all. I mainly experience anxiety
when I don't know the outcome of something
or I don't know how its going to go or my role
in it. I know that I do not like "not knowing"
I've always said that is the worst part and I
stand by that. I come from the stand point
that if I know then I can handle whatever it is

Its also about control, my NEED to know is my
way of controlling the outcome.

Interesting enough this worked decently when
I was single, however the need to know and control
does not work quite as well when two are becoming
one or trying to become one. My love does not have
this same need to know or control and for this I am
grateful. We are both independent and know how
we like doing things and how things "should" be done
according to each one of our exacting standards.

Luckily my husband is very understanding and kind,
he is capable of gently reminding me in a way that I can
hear that I'm trying to control something or that I'm
becoming unnecessarily anxious.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Feeling very uninspired, unmotivated and questioning
whether I am making a difference in peoples lives.

If I am making a difference in peoples lives, how is this
shown, do they change their behavior? or is it about
planting a seed that may or may not blossom in the future?

How do I keep this in mind, and remember that its not
about me and that even if I can just plant a seed that is worth it.

Does what I do matter?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


~yes I do realize the irony of this post~

Is it all too much, facebook, twitter, TweetDeck, blogging,
cell phones, and 3-5 email accounts (one for junk, one for
personal, one for work and ones I've forgotten about)

I don't know if this connectedness is REAL connectedness or
just a modicum and or reason to truly stay dis connected from
ourselves, each other and God.

Maybe it is an excuse to say that we are TRYING even though
these forms of "communication" are in actuality the least
intimate of them all.

However, I choose to use this as a place to record my thoughts
although I do express them to friends and family as well.

Today I am grateful for acupuncture and a loving husband
who made the acupuncture happen, stress because it lets
me know whats going on in my body, aches that let me know
I'm alive, the ability to write, the ability to read wonderful
books and a strengthening faith.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Birth day

So I feel as if I should write some introspective
thoughts on the last year this being my birth day and all

I in actuality have no introspective thoughts for
the last year.

I am continuing to grow more and more grateful
as I explore gratefulness in my life

Today I am grateful for being alive, when I was
born I was 3lbs 2oz and my first bed was a drawer
in a dresser, after I got out of the hospital.

I am grateful for the 31 years that I've lived,
not all of the moments have been good, but
I wouldn't change a thing about my last 31 years.

I have been questioned are you starting to feel old?
Most days the answer is an unequivocal no, however
on the rare days when I wake with a knot in a shoulder,
or have trouble standing back up after stooping down a
yes would suffice.

I am grateful today for birthday wishes, kind words,
people singing me happy birthday, beautiful weather,
my husband who cooked me a wonderful dinner and
great friends!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Grateful for
hurriedly cleaning my house so friends can stop by,
warm showers, cold drinking water, good books, money
management and Monday Night Football

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Little things

a large crock pot
being able to cook
Sometimes it is hard to find things to be grateful for

Not that there aren't plenty of things or reasons to be grateful.

I'm just not in a very grateful mind set at the moment.

I'm more in a place of why do bad things happen to good people

But this is not a good question to torture myself with, as there
is no answer that would satisfy me.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I am grateful for funny music

Wonderful coworkers

The weekend

Sunny skies

Cool Weather

A healthy dog


I wonder at times if I have anything left to give.

I wonder if I come off harsh or unforgiving.

I wonder where grace comes into this;

grace for myself and grace for others

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Okay, people that appear or present themselves
as helpless really bother me.
I wonder what this says about me and
I wonder what it says
about how I view feeling helpless.
If I cannot accept this in other people it
is very likely that I do
not accept this emotion in myself.
Maybe this is a major force behind me wanting to fix things...
There is a major part of me that reacts against anyone
trying to get me to do things for them that
they can do for themselves.
I feel like it puts me in an awkward place
and it puts me in a place of
control or power over someones live,
a control or power that I do not want.

Monday, November 09, 2009


Main Entry: grate·ful
Pronunciation: \ˈgrāt-fəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: obsolete grate pleasing, thankful,
from Latin gratus — more at grace
Date: 1552
grate·ful·ly \-fə-lē\ adverb

grate·ful·ness noun

1 a : appreciative of benefits received b : expressing gratitude 2 a : affording pleasure or contentment : pleasing
b : pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated

No where in the above definition is grateful identified as a verb.
Well I believe that being grateful is a verb and that in todays world being grateful
takes intention and action. So in my attempt to live up to my own definition I want to
use this blog as a place not only to express myself and my ramblings but as a place to acknowledge my "being grateful-ness"

I am grateful that I have a husband who is respectful, kind, loving,
caring and thoughtful.

I am grateful for the opportunity to truly share in life with other people.
I am grateful for peoples willingness to share their stories
and thus their very souls with me.


Sometimes I mis-speak, I put things too strongly and too bluntly.

I spoke to a friend yesterday and said a warning "Don't get too involved,
they will chew you up and spit you out." While a much more effective statement
would be "i'm feeling like this place is using people and I'm trying to figure out
where that fits in."

Also I would like to extend grace and forgiveness to all involved and to take
responsibility in some small fashion to gain answers rather than just assuming.

I know that this is a ramble and not very clear but bear with me and give me
grace and forgiveness as I try to extend this to others and myself.

Sunday, November 08, 2009


Its been an interesting day so far but I came up with this idea

"The church" and being a part of "the church; any church" is a continual ACT of forgiveness.

Is the church like family; full of people who do not always do the right thing.

Or is it about doing the right thing whatever that may be or is it about being transparent
while not always being perfect or doing the right thing

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Bad blogger, bad blogger

I haven't posted in two years, how crazy is that.

I've been a bit busy, graduating with my masters degree.

I met my love 15 days after my last post in 2007.

We were engaged January 1st, 2008 and married August 10th, 2008.

It was a really busy year but we are enjoying it!

Hopefully I'll be able to post more often!