Tuesday, July 31, 2007


of self
of others
of self

Did I mention acceptance of self?
I am sometimes terribly spontaneous and at others planned to the T
I read today this great piece about acceptance that I wanted to share.
"Unity doesn't begin in examining others but in examining self. Unity begins not in demanding that others change, but in admitting that we aren't so perfect ourselves..."

I think this is true oftentimes I demand that others be what I NEED them to be, when in reality acceptance is what I NEED. Mainly acceptance of myself, my actions, my emotions, acceptance for myself; by my self.

Monday, July 30, 2007


I like to think I am different, some how better more enlightened
however, that is not true
I am just as messed up and hopeless as the rest...
seeking, holding, grabbing, loving all imperfectly
Somehow I think that I have accomplished more or have been given
greater knowledge
This is not true, I am selfish, at times hopeless, sinful and many many
times looking out for my own interests.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Letting Go

Letting Go feels like

giving up...

not fighting...

not standing...

not caring...


Not Letting Go feels like





From March of 2007

Concept of Good
As I was driving to work this morning I was thinking about what it means to me to be good at something. This can mean being a good friend, or being good at my job or anything in between.
I realized that being good at something or being a good anything means to me that I do it perfectly and never imperfectly. That as soon as I do something imperfectly that it or I am not good anymore. So I started to think that this is an unrealistic expectation to have for myself, so what do I need to do to change my idea of good?
Good cannot mean being perfect, good can mean messing up; sometimes royally. I think the important thing is to learn from my errors rather than beat myself up about them.