Thursday, August 30, 2007


What is love?
What is it not?

How does it feel?
How do you know its true?

What does true look like?

I know that love is not everything is perfect, because everything is not.
how do you do love

The fact is that I'm selfish and unruly and manipulative without meaning to be

I try to break these pattern but as the saying goes,
there but for the grace of God go I

Cliche yes I know but nonetheless true

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Things I have learned from past romantic relationships

There is no perfect partner because
we are not perfect.

Since values are the bedrock of our
behavior and choices, it is important
to be familiar with and loyal to what
we value when we are partnerpicking.

Marrying “the right person”, who
will make everything wonderful in
our world is pure fantasy. Plus, it
puts quite a burden on the poor
schmuck who gets stuck with us.

Going into a marriage believing we
will change our partner into the person
we want him/her to be is the
wrong start. We cannot transform
anyone. We can, however, evolve
into being more accepting of our
idiosyncrasies and our mate’s.

It is not conflict that kills a marriage.
The union erodes as the couple
refuses to grow up and take responsibility
for their part of each
clash. Disaccord cannot occur without
two opposing sides. No one is
blameless in an argument. To resolve
the problem, both need to figure
out his/her own issue by asking,
“What am I fighting about/for?”,
and, “What do I want/need?”, then
communicate that when the firestorm
dies down. Partners’ continuous
insistence on being children and
their lack of accountability slowly
and excruciatingly hammer the nails
into the marriage’s coffin.