Tuesday, March 23, 2010


so far this year I have been late in wishing my grandmother
acquired mom and acquired dad happy birthday.

This is not typical for me I typically am on time with these wishes
I find this odd that this year its so difficult for me.
I was almost a week late in wishing my grandmother
happy birthday-the the heck is that about...

i don't even begin to pretend to know

my moms birthday is 4-6, so maybe i'll do better...

Sunday, March 07, 2010

My Garden

Directions for my garden

Plant three rows of peas:
1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul

Plant four rows of squash:
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness

Plant four rows of lettuce
1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another

No garden without turnips
1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help for one another

To conclude our garden we must have thyme:
1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends

WATER FREELY with PATIENCE and cultivate with LOVE