Friday, October 12, 2007


Today I am in a melancholy writing type mood

In an effort to not become focused on the things I do not have and wish that I did
I will list all the things I am grateful for (in no particular order)

Beautiful Fall days like today
The ability to see, walk, hear, smell and taste
My fabulous friends
I have a job
I make good money
my relationship with God
my relationship with my family
I have a place to live
A car that runs
I attend school for something I am passionate about
I am learning to play the guitar
I am learning how to take pictures
My dog
Clean water
UT Dental School
Happy Hour


Striving for hope in a world where I am told what and who I should be

Hope that life can and will be different

Hope for contentment

Hope for peace

Hope for love

maybe that is all any of us can do is hope

I choose hope