Sunday, February 13, 2011

Swirling and Twirling

So my life has been a whirlwind lately, with changing positions in January and getting fully licensed as well as attempting to lower my sugar intake and also working on opening up a small private practice of some kind. I am busy to say the least.  Most of the time I'm tired and my brain is full of information at all times.  Some days it feels like if another person asks another question I might not be able to handle it.  Other days I feel like hey I can handle this and open a private practice AT THE SAME TIME.  I'm seriously considering hiring a maid to come in and clean the house.  It seems as if no matter what the house never stays clean for very long and there is an endless pile of clothes and a sink full of dishes or a dishwasher that needs to be emptied at all times.  This is with both Daniel and I cleaning, cooking and cleaning some more.  Does anyone else have this issue?  It doesn't seem like I get a chance to stop.  Oh and did I mention that I also work 6 days a week? That is not helping with my downtime, I have so little of it that I just want to spend it with my hubby.  On the other hand I MISS MY FRIENDS.  I think what it comes down to is that I miss free time, unscheduled time time to do whatever I want, whenever I want if I want to do it at all.

1 comment:

inspirexpression said...

Hey Crystal! It is April, you remember me, right? Okay, anyhow, accidentally stumbled upon your twitter account. Had no idea you were tweeting/blogging. Alright, so, yeah, been we're you've been. Definitely. Right now, I'm unemployed and getting ready to start my own business as well. Staying at home is much easier than working so many days out of the week. Read this entry to see what I mean: