Thursday, April 01, 2010

FREE time (an oxymoron)

I have time off but it is spent doing things that
I feel that I HAVE to do, laundry, dinner, prepare
lunch for the next day, workout,count my hours,
find new topics for my therapy groups and decompress.

This does not leave a lot of time for doing the things
that I want to do, spend time with my husband, rest,
play, have unscheduled time, sleep in and/or spend
time with friends.

The concept of free time for me literally means
FREE time; time where I don't feel that I HAVE
to do something, time where I can get my creative
juices flowing, or not depending on how I feel.
It means getting up when I want to, snuggling up
to my hubby, slowly ingesting coffee and breakfast
and then see where the day leads me.

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