Friday, November 10, 2006


Can I just say that I'm not sure that today can get much more stressful. I have class this weekend which makes my week soo much longer. I have class on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Well on the way to class well actually on the way home from work My brakes started to act funny. AGAIN! Everything has been replaced, actually in February of this year. This is the brake pads, drums, calipers, master cylinder, the only thing not replaced was the brake lines. Well, it was leaking fluid all over the place by the time I got down 45 towards beltway 8, I had virtually no brakes, which is scary in rush hour traffic, heck its scary no matter where you are. So I pull into a freeway shop and the guys were fantastic, very nice, took a look at it and said ahh a brake line was not tightened enough, thank goodness, a sigh of relief. Well as they drive it around the brakes now go to all the way to the floor. OMG I had to get to class using my EMERGENCY BRAKE, now that is scary in rush hour traffic.

I didn't actually make it to class immediately. I stopped by the shop that did the brakes to begin with, literally by using the emergency brake and prayers, each time someone would get in front of me I prayed that I wouldn't have to stop suddenly. I made it to the shop, thank goodness. At this shop they gave me keys to a very run down car, that made me miss mine, but this one stopped-ya know it had brakes and all. So I make it to class only an hour late. Pretty soo after arriving my teacher gives us a break and since I only brought in a binder to the class, (which is normally all we need) I needed to go back to the car and get my books, because THIS time we were going over them ad nausuem (or however thats spelled) So I go out to my borrowed car and get my books. I walk up to the doors of the University and open one, well, I TRY to open them, EACH and EVERY one is locked THIS ONE TIME! I swear, I lost it. I tried every door the entire campus. Not a SINGLE one was open. Did I have a cell phone? No. purse? No. ANY WAY to contact anyone? NO! I banged on the door, I ranted, did I get in NO! I tell you it was a culmination of the entire night, I cried.
Then people showed up also trying to get in, they however had a way in. THANK GOD!
So I got in, thank goodness. I soon discovered in my absence that the class had ordered food, and I wasn't there to order it because I was having to deal with my car!
As I'm leaving my class, finally It starts to rain, (of course it does) and Traffic is at a standstill, the exact thing I didn't want because I wanted to get home! took forever, by the time I got home I was beyond stressed out and had to write this blog

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